Cannabinoids is one hefty word that belongs in every medical marijuana patient’s vocabulary is cannabinoid. Cannabinoids (e.g., THC and CBD) are the chemical compounds secreted by cannabis flowers. They can provide relief to an array of symptoms including pain, nausea, anxiety, and inflammation.
These work their medicinal magic by imitating compounds our bodies naturally produce, called endocannabinoids. In which activate to maintain internal stability and health. To put a complex system simply, they mediate communication between cells. Also, when there is a deficiency or problem with our endocannabinoid system, unpleasant symptoms and physical complications occur.
When it is Consumed
When cannabis is consumed, cannabinoids bind to receptor sites throughout our brain (receptors called CB-1) and body (CB-2). Different cannabinoids have different effects depending on which receptors they bind to. For example, THC binds to receptors in the brain whereas CBN (cannabinol) has a strong affinity. Affinity for CB-2 receptors located throughout the body. Depending on a cannabis product’s cannabinoid profile, different types of relief are achievable.
This concept is the cornerstone of cannabis as medicine, and the results are so promising that these cannabinoids have been synthesized for legal prescription use. Some synthetic cannabinoid medications include Marinol, Nabilone, and Rimonabant. While these synthetic forms are effective, research shows that herbal cannabis contains a far wider variety of therapeutic compounds.
Cannabis contains at least 85 types of cannabinoids, many of which have documented medical value. Products and strains have been developed to deliver larger doses of different cannabinoids. It is knowing which types best treat your symptoms is a handy piece of knowledge to bring to your next dispensary visit.
The below wheel serves as a resource to determine which cannabinoids may help treat symptoms. Symptoms associated with mood, eating/gastrointestinal disorders, neurological disorders, pain, sleep disorders, and other medical conditions. Click on the infographic for an enlarged version.
The Cannabinoids each have their own individual properties which is creating plenty of excitement in the scientific community. Besides the Terpenoids and Cannabinoids there are many other items. Vitamins, minerals, phytosterols, pigments, proteins, enzymes, essential sugars, polyphenol antioxidants, flavonoids and essential fatty acids.
The oil appears black but it is really a blend of intense colors. It is important to know that while isolated Cannabinoids have their own characteristic properties. The different compounds have synergistic effects when the whole symphony of phytonutrients are consumed together. Synergy means that the combined effect is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Another way of thinking of this is 1+1. You know 1+1 = 2.
Real vs Synthetic Cannabinoids
Modern scientists for over 50 years, so (un)naturally, attempts were made to produce synthetic versions of isolated Cannabinoid molecules in an attempt to create pharmaceutical drugs. Unsurprisingly, as with all synthetic chemicals, the desired properties are often reduced significantly while undesirable side-effects can abound as is confirmed in the United States Government Patent #6,630,507 “Cannabinoids as Antioxidants & Neuroprotectants.”
If health and happiness, not side-effects are what you seek, best stick to real plants – the original design was already perfect to begin with.